Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What went wrong with the Brock Lesnar promo this artcle to know

I am still at a loss for words. This... this... this... promo, or whatever you want to call it that Paul Heyman just delivered on behalf of Brock Lesnar. A lot of people seem to be asking themselves ‘What the actual hell was that?’ I might offend some Heyman fans by saying this, but this might actually be one of the worst promos ever witnessed in a WWE ring. 
Last week on RAW, we witnessed the emphatic, ‘triumphant’ return of the juggernaut of WCW known as Goldberg. Coming back to the ring, he responded to Paul Heyman’s challenge by announcing that Brock Lesnar wasn’t only next, but he was also “last”.
It was immediately announced on last week’s Raw that Brock Lesnar would be making an appearance next week. After all the hype that was generated with the return of Goldberg, fans everywhere waited with bated breath to see what Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman had to say about Goldberg’s acceptance of their challenge. 

The ‘promo’ was ten minutes of Brock Lesnar standing in the middle of the ring while Paul Heyman failed at doing whatever it was that he came out to do. Let’s try and understand what actually went wrong with that segment

   The moment Paul Heyman realised that things weren’t going as planned
Brock Lesnar is a heel and Goldberg is supposed to be this mega-over babyface that everyone’s going to decidedly cheer for. I suppose Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar came out expecting the biggest heel reaction they could have possibly gotten and had plans in place to bank upon that heat to hype the match up.
It seemed to me that Paul Heyman was going for some sort of an ‘everyone has turned against Lesnar’ angle where Lesnar would subsequently get annoyed and break out in some sort of a rage, flinging a planted fan out of the crowd for supporting Goldberg, or at least that’s what it seemed like.
One thing that they seemed to have forgotten, however, was that Brock Lesnar was coming back to his hometown arena of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The homecoming of an athlete that the entire town is proud of, it couldn’t have been more obvious that he was going to get cheered, as he always is, regardless of his status as a face or a heel. We’re not quite sure what Heyman expected, but it definitely wasn’t this.
Their approach would have worked anywhere else, but not at Minneapolis and definitely not tonight.
The promo started with him stuttering his words trying to mockingly describe Goldberg, then singling out a fan who was trying to start a Goldberg chant. Fair play. We were all with him until that point. It appeared to be the start of a good promo and Heyman seemed to have things in control.
But then, Paul Heyman, still trying to work the crowd, started to seem a bit taken aback by the Suplex City chants that had grown louder. He tried to threaten the Goldberg supporters (there were quite literally none) with dire consequences should they have continued chanting for Goldberg,
point that some weak Goldberg chants broke out. Paul Heyman tried to appear agitated (almost relieved in his heart, I’m sure) by them but they were quickly drowned out by the ‘Suplex City’ and ‘Goldberg sucks’ chants instead.
This was a crowd that quite apparently took a lot of pride in their hometown boy Brock Lesnar and fiercely supported him. A throwback to the old territory days when heels and faces often changed dynamics on the basis of where the match was happening. Heartwarming, but an embarrassment for WWE Creative tonight.
After the ‘Goldberg sucks’ chants started and actually gained a lot of momentum, Brock actually started to laugh in the middle of the ring. He appeared to be quite amused at how things were turning out, and we don’t blame him.
While it was certainly a bit out of character for the ‘Beast Incarnate’ to have not kept a serious face as he normally does, he acknowledged the positive crowd reaction.
Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar then exchanged words off the mic, possibly about the approach they had come out to do (There must have been a plan of some sort) and how it was not going to work on this crowd.
Furthering a positive reaction for Brock would have certainly hurt Goldberg’s current buildup as a mega babyface and a section of the crowd, had it been encouraged, would have continued to cheer for Brock at all shows henceforth. This seems to have been the reason why it was decided on the fly to just cut the promo short instead.
With the ‘Goldberg sucks’ chants resonating through the crowd, Paul Heyman didn’t look too happy. Which makes no sense in kayfabe, but all the sense when you realise that it’s a man who probably realised that things had gone horribly wrong for what is being booked and billed as one of the biggest matches this year. 
It was at this point that Vince McMahon (as per Bryan Alvarez of Wrestling Observer radio) reportedly got agitated over the way things were going, due to the crowd reaction for the segment. According to Alvarez, Vince McMahon directed for the segment to be cut off before things got even worse. It was actually supposed to go on for longer.
Brock Lesnar’s music hit and Heyman, almost begrudgingly, threw the mic down and made a hasty exit with his client. .

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

WWE SMACKDOWN RESULTS – OCTOBER 25, 2016 (Ellsworth shocking kick ,ortan turn heels )

- Tonight’s WWE SmackDown opens up with a look back at last week’s show.
– Dean Ambrose is backstage talking to a crew member when James Ellsworth walks in. Ellsworth thanks Ambrose for how he’s helped him recently. Ellsworth says he’s here because he wants to return the favor. Ellsworth wants to be in Dean’s corner when he faces WWE World Champion AJ Styles later tonight. Ambrose thanks him but says he’s not sure it’s a great idea. Ambrose suggests Ellsworth just hang out in the locker room. He stammers and says they will catch up later. Ambrose leaves and fans boo as Ellsworth shakes his head.
– We’re live from Green Bay with Mauro Ranallo, JBL and David Otunga.
No DQ Match: Kane vs. Bray Wyatt
We go right to the ring and out comes Bray Wyatt. We get a look back at last week before Kane makes his way out as the pyro explodes.
The bell rings and they go at it. Kane takes control and hits a low dropkick. Wyatt fights out of the corner and nails a lariat for a quick pin attempt. Kane turns it around with big shots and splashes in the corner. Kane hits the sidewalk slam and goes to the top. Wyatt rolls to the floor and Kane comes down. They meet on the floor and Wyatt plays possum. Wyatt grabs a steel chair but Kane hits him with a right hand and sends him into the steel steps. Kane takes apart the announcers table now.
The lights go out and when they come back on, Luke Harper is on top of the announce table. He boots Kane in the face and nails a big clothesline. Harper stands over Kane as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Wyatt is in control as Harper watches from ringside. Wyatt nails a stiff clothesline for a 2 count. Kane ends up hitting a boot and making a comeback. Harper pulls Wyatt to safety but gets dropped as well. Kane brings Wyatt back in the ring but Harper grabs him from the apron. Kane drops Harper again. Kane turns around to a slam from Wyatt for a 2 count. Wyatt blocks a chokeslam and collides with Kane off the ropes. Randy Orton’s music hits to a big pop.
Orton runs down as Harper watches from in the ring, guarding Wyatt. Harper and Orton stare each other down. Harper backs off and leaves the ring. Kane gets up and readies for a chokeslam. Orton readies for the RKO. They both wait for Wyatt to stand up but Orton drops Kane with a RKO out of nowhere. Wyatt is shocked. There are some boos from the crowd as Orton leaves. Wyatt covers for the pin.
Winner: Bray Wyatt
– After the pin, Harper comes in the ring and stands with Wyatt. Both are shocked as we go to replays.
– Andrea D’Marco is backstage with AJ Styles. She brings up his losses to James Ellsworth. AJ knocks Ellsworth and says without Dean Ambrose, Ellsworth couldn’t lace his boots. AJ says he’s going to re-arrange Ambrose’s face tonight. AJ says Dean will have to be carried out of SmackDown tonight and if he sees Ellsworth, he’s going to be missing more than his chin when he’s done.
– Still to come, SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch returns.
– Back from the break and Renee Young is in the ring. She welcomes SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch back and out she comes to a pop. She’s almost immediately interrupted by Alexa Bliss.
Bliss says for someone who just had back surgery, Becky looks great. Becky says she didn’t have back surgery. Bliss enters the ring and tells Renee to leave. Fans chant for Becky. They trade shots on the mic and Bliss calls Becky a world class con-artist, saying she fooled all these people but she won’t fool Bliss. Bliss wonders what Becky’s excuse will be in two weeks before their title match in Glasgow. Bliss takes more shots at Becky and tells her to save everyone the embarrassment by handing over the title to the rightful champion. Becky gets riled up and says she will be in Glasgow to rip Alexa’s arm out of her socket. Bliss says the title is hers in two weeks but in the meantime… Bliss attacks but Becky counters and unloads, taking it to the floor.
Bliss rams Becky back into the ring post. Bliss takes control and launches Becky into the barrier. Bliss brings it back in the ring and drops her with a DDT. Bliss steps on Becky on her way out of the ring. She brings a can of spray-paint back in the ring and paints a yellow line down Becky’s back. Fans boo as Bliss taunts Becky and her music hits.
– Still to come, Ambrose vs. Styles with a title shot up for grabs. Back to commercial.

Survivor Series Qualifying Match: The Ascension vs. The Hype Bros

Back from the break and out come Konnor and Viktor. We get a sidebar video where they say they are the biggest and the best tag team, and they will rise at Survivor Series. Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley are out next as Greg Hamilton makes the introduction. The winners of the match will go on to represent SmackDown in the 5 team vs. 5 team Traditional Elimination Match next month.
Zack Ryder and Viktor go at it to start. Ryder decks Konnor but gets sent to the floor by Viktor. Konnor tags in and goes to work on Ryder now. Konnor gets distracted and Ryder nails him trying to make a tag. Konnor stops the tag and drives Ryder to the mat. Konnor comes off the second rope but Ryder moves out of the way. Mojo tags in with Viktor and they go at it.
Mojo unloads on Viktor and hits a pounce. Mojo with splashes in the corner. Mojo slams Viktor but Konnor breaks the pin attempt. Mojo sends Konnor into the ring post but Viktor comes from behind. Ryder dodges a move and they hit the Hype Ryder for the win.
Winners: The Hype Bros
– After the match, Ryder and Mojo stand tall as we go to replays.
– Back from a break and Andrea is backstage with Orton. She asks if he cares to explain his actions from earlier tonight. Orton just stares off with his arms crossed. for a minute. Orton says: “If you can’t beat them, join them.”
– Daniel Bryan is backstage on the phone with Shane McMahon talking about Survivor Series. Natalya appears and Bryan mentions she has a match with Nikki Bella tonight. Natalya is worried about RAW stealing SmackDown’s thunder. She suggests she be the Team Captain for the women’s team at Survivor Series. Bryan makes Nikki vs. Natalya for the team captain spot but the loser won’t be on the team at all.
Nikki Bella vs. Natalya
We go to the ring and out comes Nikki Bella. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Natalya. The winner of this one will be the Team Captain at Survivor Series while the loser will be out of the match. Back and forth until they end up on the floor. Natalya with a big clothesline. Natalya brings it back in the ring and covers Nikki for a 2 count, and another.
Natalya keeps control for a few minutes and shows off after walking on Nikki. Natalya goes on and applies the Sharpshooter but Nikki makes it to the bottom rope. Natalya with a snap suplex. She misses a leg drop. Nikki makes her comeback and hits an enziguri from the corner for a 2 count. Natalya catches Nikki in a Michinoku Driver for a 2 count. Natalya argues with the referee now. Natalya with an inverted surfboard but Nikki gets out. Nikki applies John Cena’s STF for the win.
Winner: Nikki Bella
– After the match, Nikki goes to celebrate but Carmella attacks from behind. Carmella beats on Nikki as fans boo. She hits a Bella Buster and mocks her with the “you can’t see me” taunt. Carmella’s music hits as she leaves and we get a replay.
– Andrea is backstage with Ambrose. He says AJ is right, tonight isn’t about fun and games, it’s about working towards getting back the title AJ stole with a low blow. Ambrose says karma is another word for a female dog and she has something in store for AJ tonight.
– We see The Miz and Maryse walking backstage. They see Kenny and Mikey of The Spirit Squad and nod for them to follow. Back to commercial.
– The Miz and Maryse are out with The Spirit Squad. He rails on Dolph Ziggler until the WWE Intercontinental Champion comes out. They work the mic until SmackDown Tag Team Champions Heath Slater and Rhyno come out. Miz ends up challenging them to a match against The Spirit Squad with the titles on the line.
SmackDown Tag Team Title Match: The Spirit Squad vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater
Back from the break and the match is underway. Ziggler, Miz and Maryse are with the announcers.
Back and forth match. Fans chant for Rhyno throughout. He finally gets the tag and almost gets pinned. Slater comes back in and stops a double team to Rhyno. Rhyno with a close 2 count on Mikey. Miz and Ziggler start arguing at ringside Slater pushes Kenny onto Miz. Rhyno nail a Gore on Mikey for the win.
Winners: Heath Slater and Rhyno
– After the match, all three champions celebrate as we go to replays.
– Still to come, Styles vs. Ambrose. Back to commercial.
– Ambrose approaches Ellsworth backstage and tells him to stop sulking. Ellsworth just wants to pay Ambrose back. He pleads with Ambrose to let him be in his corner tonight. Fans chant “yes!” and Ambrose tells Ellsworth to be careful out there.
Dean Ambrose vs. AJ Styles
Dean Ambrose, WWE World Champion AJ Styles and James Ellsworth are all out. Ambrose will be the new #1 contender if he wins this match.
Offense from both men early on. Styles ends up dropping Ellsworth at ringside. Ambrose comes to check on Ellsworth but Styles leaps from the ring and takes him out. Styles stands tall as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Styles nails a dropkick on Ambrose. Ambrose goes out and Styles tries to dive out but Ambrose goes back in and Styles lands on the floor. Ambrose runs the ropes for a dive and sends AJ into the barrier. Ambrose brings it back in and keeps control. Ambrose with a fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count. They trade counters and Ambrose gets a Cloverleaf submission applied but AJ gets to the bottom rope. AJ drops Ambrose on the apron and they both tumble to the floor. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and AJ has control in the ring. AJ takes Ambrose up for a superplex but Ambrose sends him to the mat face first. Ambrose with the big elbow drop as Ellsworth cheers him on. They both trade shots again. Ambrose unloads. AJ blocks a suplex and unloads with strikes. Ambrose with a swinging neckbreaker for a close 2 count. AJ counters a superplex and nails a springboard into an inverted DDT for a close 2 count. AJ calls for the Styles Clash but it’s blocked.
Ambrose blocks it again. More back and forth. Ambrose with the bounce back clothesline. Ambrose takes AJ to the top and hits the superplex. The referee counts to 8 but they get up. AJ gets the Calf Crusher applied. Ambrose breaks free by slamming AJ’s head into the mat but AJ tightens the hold. Ambrose finally makes it to the bottom rope. Ambrose sells the leg injury now. AJ turns around and nails a huge basement dropkick to Ellsworth, dropping him on the floor. AJ springboards in but Ambrose kicks him. AJ blocks Dirty Deeds. More counters. Ambrose with a roll up for 2. AJ with a pele kick. Ambrose blocks the Styles Clash and dumps AJ out next to Ellsworth. Ellsworth hulks up and waits for AJ. Ellsworth drops him with No Chin Music as the referee and Ambrose look on. Ambrose begs the referee but the match is called.
Winner by DQ: AJ Styles
– Ellsworth immediately realized his mistake. AJ’s music hits as he recovers and has his arm raised at ringside. We go to replays. SmackDown goes off the air with AJ showing off the title.

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

WWE News: Seth Rollins talks about getting a new finisher after settling the score with Triple H

Seth Rollins
Rollins said that cashing in Money In The Bank is his favourite WWE moment

Rollins who started using the Pedigree finisher – originally made famous by his former mentor Triple H – during his stint as a member of the Authority was asked why he still uses the manoeuvre to which the former NXT champion replied that it's a sign that there is no replacement for Seth Rollins. He said:

"No, you know what, let's talk about that finisher for a minute. Look, the reason I did the pedigree to begin with, was as a tribute to Triple H. So now, every single time I deliver a pedigree, it's me sticking my fist up in the air and telling him to stick it up his rear-end. He thinks he can stick it to me by anointing Kevin Owens as the new guy? There is no replacement for Seth Rollins.”
He did, however, tease a new finisher when he does get settle his score with Triple H.
“So, every single pedigree from now until I drop Triple H on his big, stupid nose, that's gonna mean something, that's gonna mean something. That's me sticking it to the man, sticking it to Triple H. So no, no new finisher, not until I'm done with Triple H."

Speaking of the former NXT champion Samoa Joe who has been rumoured to make his main roster debut soon, Rollins said that he would love to face the former TNA champion once Joe is done with his NXT run:
"Uh, I'd love to face Samoa Joe, Dawn. It's been uh, it's been a long time since I've been in the ring with Joe. I think we've both grown a lot as performers, and uh, I think we'd actually tear the house down. So, hopefully, um, you know, once Joe's done with his stuff in NXT, and uh, he can come make his way up here and we can have a good fight."

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Comments your views wheather if Seth rollins Decision is Right Or Wrong  ....

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

WWE RAW Results – 10/10/16 (Live from Oakland, Paul Heyman advertised to appear, Hell in a Cell hype)

WWE Raw Results:
— The show opened with an in-ring promo from new Raw Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. She challenged Lana to a Hell in a Cell match at the next pay-per-view, which brought out Charlotte, but she was interrupted mid-entrance by Rusev and Lana. Rusev said Hell in a Cell should be reserved for real men, like him. Charlotte accepted the Hell in a Cell match, then they cleared the ring of Rusev and Lana. Rusev climbed back into the ring, but Roman Reigns’ music hit and he came to the ring to stare Rusev down. Rusev and Lana then departed and Sasha taunted Charlotte with the title belt.
— The New Day came to the ring to give props to Bay Area sports legends and to run down Sheamus and Cesaro. That brings out both Sheamus and Cesaro.
1. Kofi Kingston defeated CesaroSheamus watched this match from the commentary booth. Kofi managed to reverse the giant swing into a small package for the win. Sheamus and Cesaro yelled at each other after the match.
2. Bayley defeated Cami Fields. Bayley won a short match against a local competitor by pinfall after the Bayley to Belly. After the match, Bayley was jumped from behind by Dana Brooke.
3. Lince Dorado and Sin Cara defeated Tony Nese and Drew Gulak. This was Sin Cara’s cruiserweight division debut. Lince Dorado got the pinfall for his team after a shooting star press on Gulak.
— Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley came to the ring to confirm that Sasha vs. Charlotte would happen in Hell in a Cell. Foley also confirmed that Seth Rollins’ rematch against WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens would alsotake place in Hell in a Cell. Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho then interrupted them. Owens doesn’t want a Hell in a Cell match, because he wants to have a long career, unlike Foley. Stephanie comes up with a way to make everyone happy: if Jericho can defeat Rollins tonight, he’ll be entered into the Universal Championship Hell in a Cell match, which will become a Triple Threat.
— Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas are in the ring, set to face Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Enzo and Cass make their entrance, but Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows show up to beat them down. They hit the Magic Killer on Cass.
4. Sami Zayn and Neville defeated Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. Axel and Dallas demanded new opponents, so Zayn and Neville volunteered. Neville hit the Red Arrow on Axel to get the pin. Bo Dallas left in disgust.
5. R-Truth defeated Titus O’Neil. O’Neil took exception to R-Truth stealing his potential sponsorship from Payday candy bars, so Mick Foley made this match to settle their differences. Titus got distracted by Goldust stomping on the ring steps to fire up the crowd, allowing R-Truth to roll him up for the win.
6. Braun Strowman defeated Steven and Clay Splash. After Strowman demanded stiffer competition last week, he gets a handicap match here. He hits a running powerslam on one of the Splash Brothers, then reverse chokeslams the other on top of him and pins both to get the win.
7. Roman Reigns and Sasha Banks defeated Charlotte and Rusev. In a mixed tag team match, Sasha got Charlotte to tap out to the Banks Statement.
— Paul Heyman came to the ring to address Goldberg’s recent comments that he’d like another match against Brock Lesnar. He challenged Goldberg to a fight, any time, any place.
8. TJ Perkins defeated Ariya Daivari. Brian Kendrick sat in on commentary for this match. Perkins won by submission with the kneebar.
9. Seth Rollins defeated Chris Jericho. Kevin Owens was at ringside to support his best friend. Rollins was able to reverse a Walls of Jericho attempt into a small package for the pin. Owens attacked Rollins after the match, and he and Jericho put the boots to him. Rollins eventually hit the Pedigree on Jericho while Owens watched from the ramp for the second week in a row..
Stay With us  for all WWE News And Results ..

Sunday, October 9, 2016

WWE No Mercy 2016 Results

Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free WWE No Mercy 2016 results. The show was headlined by (and opened with) a triple threat for the WWE Championship, featuring AJ Styles defending against John Cena and Dean Ambrose. Also on the show, Dolph Ziggler put his career on the line against The Miz’s Intercontinental Championship.
Be back here tomorrow for the full Best and Worst of WWE No Mercy 2016 column.
WWE No Mercy 2016 Results:
– Kickoff Match: American Alpha and The Hype Bros defeated The Ascension and The Vaudevillains. Jason Jordan pinned Aiden English after a Grand Amplitude.
1. Triple Threat for the WWE Championship: AJ Styles (c) defeated John Cena and Dean Ambrose. Cena and Ambrose simultaneously made Styles tap out, causing the referee to restart the match. Cena hit Ambrose with an Attitude Adjustment from the second rope, but Styles attacked Cena with a chair and pinned him to retain the championship.
2. Nikki Bella defeated Carmella. Bella pinned Carmella after the Rack Attack 2.0 (the fireman’s carry into a cutter).
3. Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: Heath Slater and Rhyno (c) defeated The Usos. Rhyno pinned Jey Uso after a Gore.
4. Baron Corbin defeated Jack Swagger. Corbin won the match with an End of Days.
5. Intercontinental Championship vs. Career Match: Dolph Ziggler defeated The Miz (c). Maryse and the members of the Spirit Squad tried to interfere for Miz. They were ejected, causing a distraught Miz to walk into a superkick and lose the match. Dolph Ziggler remains in WWE, and is the Intercontinental Champion.
6. Naomi defeated Alexa Bliss. Naomi subbed in for an injured Becky Lynch, and won the match after countering an Alexa Bliss cross arm-breaker into a pin.
7. Bray Wyatt defeated Randy Orton. Luke Harper teleported into the ring to distract Orton, leaving him open for a Sister Abigail from Wyatt. ..

WWE News: Huge Update on Samoa Joe's main roster status

moa Joe was one of those names who many thought they would never see in the WWE.
However, as the brand of NXT was proliferating, it began attracting some of the names that we thought we might never see in the WWE. Ringside’s latest report indicates that one of those names could be Samoa Joe with Braun Strowman as a possible opponent. 
A little over a year ago, Joe showed up at the end of NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable confronting then NXT Champion Kevin Owens to a rousing ovation. Later on, his impressive merchandise sales forced WWE’s hand and the company signed him to a full-time deal.
So far, he has had an impressive run in NXT performing initially as a face and then as a heel. He won the NXT Championship defeating his former tag team partner Finn Balor in a live event in Lowell, Massachusetts.
The Samoan submission Machine lost his NXT Championship to Shinsuke Nakamura at NXT TakeOver: Back to Brooklyn.
Samoa Joe is still dominating the scene on the WWE’s developmental show and is expected to get the return match vs The King of Strong Style when they northwards at NXT’s next special event – NXT Takeover: Toronto.
It is more than likely that he won’t be going over in the match and reclaim his title as he is waiting in the wings to be the next NXT member to be called up to the main roster. Right now, WWE could benefit immensely from having Joe show up on either brand.
On RAW, there’s a lack of top babyface singles star apart from Reigns and Rollins. It is rumoured that both Ambrose and Cena may take time off after No Mercy so the main event scene on the Blue Brand will be incredibly vulnerable. Joe can be effectively utilised in any of those situations and his presence would definitely benefit either brand .
It has been rumoured for a while now that Joe was going to get called up to the main roster in the fall of 2016. In an interesting development to this story, Ringside News is reporting that the latest storyline of Braun Strowman demanding more competition will lead to the much anticipated main roster debut of Samoa Joe.
The former Wyatt Family member has been squashing jobbers left and right over the past 3 months as a member of RAW roster. This could be an intriguing feud if booked right and the opportunity to work with a guy with the experience,skill and talent of Samoa Joe will definitely help Braun.
It was also rumoured that fellow Wyatt Family member Luke Harper could be the one to confront Strowman. However, if this story is to be believed he may very well end up being one of the many that he has vanquished. .
Which brand do you think Samoa Joe will be a part of once he is called up to the main roster?
Samoa Joe – main roster bound?
Samoa Joe was one of those names who many thought they would never see in the WWE.
However, as the brand of NXT was proliferating, it began attracting some of the names that we thought we might never see in the WWE. Ringside’s latest report indicates that one of those names could be Samoa Joe with Braun Strowman as a possible opponent. 
A little over a year ago, Joe showed up at the end of NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable confronting then NXT Champion Kevin Owens to a rousing ovation. Later on, his impressive merchandise sales forced WWE’s hand and the company signed him to a full-time deal.
So far, he has had an impressive run in NXT performing initially as a face and then as a heel. He won the NXT Championship defeating his former tag team partner Finn Balor in a live event in Lowell, Massachusetts.
The Samoan submission Machine lost his NXT Championship to Shinsuke Nakamura at NXT TakeOver: Back to Brooklyn.
Samoa Joe is still dominating the scene on the WWE’s developmental show and is expected to get the return match vs The King of Strong Style when they northwards at NXT’s next special event – NXT Takeover: Toronto.
It is more than likely that he won’t be going over in the match and reclaim his title as he is waiting in the wings to be the next NXT member to be called up to the main roster. Right now, WWE could benefit immensely from having Joe show up on either brand.
On RAW, there’s a lack of top babyface singles star apart from Reigns and Rollins. It is rumoured that both Ambrose and Cena may take time off after No Mercy so the main event scene on the Blue Brand will be incredibly vulnerable. Joe can be effectively utilised in any of those situations and his presence would definitely benefit either brand
Joe as the NXT Champion, Would he capture the top gold on the main roster?
It has been rumoured for a while now that Joe was going to get called up to the main roster in the fall of 2016. In an interesting development to this story, Ringside News is reporting that the latest storyline of Braun Strowman demanding more competition will lead to the much anticipated main roster debut of Samoa Joe.
The former Wyatt Family member has been squashing jobbers left and right over the past 3 months as a member of RAW roster. This could be an intriguing feud if booked right and the opportunity to work with a guy with the experience,skill and talent of Samoa Joe will definitely help Braun.
It was also rumoured that fellow Wyatt Family member Luke Harper could be the one to confront Strowman. However, if this story is to be believed he may very well end up being one of the many that he has vanquished.
Strowman has only squashed jobbers and Sin Cara, making Joe the first credible opponent he would face
This could be a nice way to setup a Samoa Joe debut challenging Strowman and providing him with the competition that he so vehemently demanded to General Manager Mick Foley on this past week’s Monday Night RAW
Which brand do you think Samoa Joe will be a part of once he is called up to the main roster?
For latest WWE News, spoilers and rumours visit our Sportskeeda WWE section.

Friday, October 7, 2016

WWE Live Event Results – Santiago, Chile 10/6/2016


Thanks to Denis Fernandez for the following WWE live event results from Thursday’s show in Santiago, Chile:
* WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day retained over Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson and Enzo Amore & Big Cass. Somewhat sloppy match but Enzo and Cass were really over .
* Sin Cara defeated Luke Harper in a good match. Sin Cara was over at both shows, as was Harper after the surprise return the night before
* Darren Young and Sami Zayn defeated Bo Dallas and Titus O’Neil. One of the biggest pops of the night for Sami Zayn .
* RAW Women’s Champion Sasha Banks, Alicia Fox and Bayley defeated Nia Jax, Dana Brooke and Charlotte when Charlotte tapped to the Banks Statement .
* WWE United States Champion Roman Reigns retained over Rusev. Lana tried to get some heel heat before the match but she was more over than Rusev and Reigns but Reigns more than Rusev. Lots of boos for Reigns to start but he won some over towards the end
* Braun Strowman squashed Neville in about 3 minutes .
* Cesaro, Sheamus, Goldust and R-Truth defeated Curtis Axel, Jinder Mahal, Primp and Epico. Pop of the night goes to Cesaro. Axel and Goldust also had strong followings .
* WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens retained, Seth Rollins won by DQ in the main event. Very good match, probably the best of the night. Very good reaction for Owens but Rollins got the star treatment. Owens blocked a Pedigree and hit a low blow for the DQ. Owens announced himself the winner and got booed but Rollins hit a Pedigree to end their confrontation. Rollins said some words on the mic and posed with the Chilean flag to end the great show .

Monday, October 3, 2016

WWE NXT Results (8/31): Update on Samoa Joe’s Condition, Shinsuke Nakamura Returns! Read more at

Backstage Segment: Samoa Joe and William Regal
The NXT Doctor tells William Regal that Samoa Joe has additional injuries on top of his dislocated jaw.  He will not clear Joe for in-ring competition at this time. Joe gets up and walks away.
Tye Dillinger vs Buddy Murphy
Murphy and Dillinger lock up. Murphy goes behind Dillinger, but Dillinger reverses it into a hammerlock. Murphy escapes and knocks Dillinger down with a shoulder block. Murphy does the Perfect 10 taunt to Dillinger. Dillinger charges Murphy, but Murphy retreats into the ropes. Dillinger grabs a side headlock. Murphy forces Dillinger into the ropes. Tackle drop down spot, but as Murphy tries to leap frog over Dillinger, Dillinger catches him in the Manhattan drop. Dillinger cartwheels and does the Perfect 10 taunt in Murphy’s face. Murphy elbows Dillinger in the face. Dillinger responds by clotheslining Murphy. Dillinger sets up the ten punch in the corner, but Murphy escapes. Murphy surprises Dillinger with a running knee for a two count.
Murphy sends Dillinger over the top rope. Murphy follows him and tosses him back into the ring. Murphy takes Dillinger out with a flying double knee strike from the top rope. Dillinger barely manages to kick out. After a short break, Dillinger hits a back body drop followed by ten stomps in the corner. Dillinger hit the Tye Breaker for the win.
Winner- Tye Dillinger